
Journal of Agriculture and Horticulture Research(JAHR)

ISSN: 2643-671X | DOI: 10.33140/JAHR

Impact Factor: 1.12*

Screening of Citrus Cultivars Against Citrus Canker and Its Allelopathic Management


Anbreen Fatima, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Waqas Raza, Salman Ahmad

Citrus canker is the most devastating bacterial disease. In Pakistan, where canker is endemic, cultural practices and chemical control is vital module of integrated management system. But due to non-prudent use of chemicals wicked impacts start to appear on human health and environment there was need of some alternative management which should be eco-friendly and has no adverse effect for human. Therefore, our present study was based on screening of different cultivars of citrus and allelopathic management of citrus canker. The results revealed that Cara cara navel and kinnow both performed as moderately susceptible response in field condition than all other cultivars of citrus in screening experiment. Consequently, disease incidence was observed increasing by increasing the lesion area and these cultivars can be suggested as a source of resistance against canker pathogen. In allelopathic management we observed that ethanolic extracts were more efficient than aqueous extracts and their efficacy was also increasing by increasing the concentration. Ethanolic extracts of jatropha (13.33cm) followed by amaltas (12.5cm), Arjun (11.13cm), Bougenvilla (7.21cm) have great potency against the pathogen. So these ethanolic extracts can be used as good and alternative management of citrus canker disease.