
Journal of Veterinary Health Science(JVHS)

ISSN: 2831-3887 | DOI: 10.33140/JVHS

Impact Factor: 0.762

Review on Antibiotic Drug Residues in Food of Animal Origin: Economic and Public Health Impacts


Jemal Ahmed Mume

Antibiotics are used in livestock production (food animals) not only for treatment but also for the control of diseases and as growth promoters. The frequent use of antibiotics may result in residue that can be found at different concen- tration levels in food products of animal origin, such as milk, meat and egg. Antibiotic residue is a term that refers to small amounts of antibiotic or its active metabolites that remain in animal-derived food after being used by animals for different purposes. Specially antibiotic residues occur due to large-scale application of antibiotics in veterinary practice and create problems not only in the dairy and meat industries but also have immense public health signifi- cance because the harmful effects of these residues in animal products may cause the development of antimicrobial drug resistance, hypersensitivity reactions, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity, bone marrow depression, and disruption of normal intestinal flora. Withdrawal periods and rules pertaining to antibiotic residues should be strictly followed to make animal products safe for human consumption. The present review aimed to show human health hazards after consuming food of animal origin with antibiotic residue. Even though antibiotic residues cause serious public health effects, little is known about them by society, and there is a lack of information about them, so it is important to review antibiotic residue in foods of animal origin to gain insight into their economic and public health significance. Finally, the safety levels of food must be strictly observed, drug products should be used in ac- cordance with the labeled directions and public awareness should be created about the public health significance of antibiotic residue using different media.