
Open Access Journal of Applied Science and Technology(OAJAST)

ISSN: 2993-5377 | DOI: 10.33140/OAJAST

Impact Factor: 1.08

Review of the Advanced Waves Inside the Transformer, Antenna and Photon System


Shuang-Ren Zhao

Maxwell’s equations have two solutions, retarded potential and the other is advanced potential. Physics and electronic industry only accept the retarded wave. Advanced waves are not acceptable. However, a group of scientists believes the advanced wave is an objective existence. These scientists include Wheeler, Feynman, Cramer, etc. The author establishes the mutual energy flow theory of electromagnetic field, which supports the objective existence of advanced wave. This paper reviews the existing advanced wave theory and clarifies the expression form of advanced wave. The retarded wave and advanced wave can be expressed by the same symbol. For example, in quantum mechanics, if the wave function is used to represent the retarded wave, this wave function can also represent the advanced wave, and it is wrong to use the conjugate complex of the wave function to represent the advanced wave. In addition, advanced wave and retarded wave are inseparable. For example, the wave generated by the current element in the waveguide is a Leftward wave and a right wave. The Leftward wave starts as an advanced wave and moves towards the current element. When the Leftward wave crosses the current, it becomes a retarded wave. The rightward wave is the same.