
Archives of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology(ANEST)

ISSN: 3067-1965 | DOI: 10.33140/ANEST

Relation of the Internal Structure of the Photon with Field and Charge


Mark Anthony Tierno

This paper provides an analysis of the internal structure of a photon and how that relates to the apparent differences in each of the observed forces, as well as to the formation of electrons and protons. A connection will also be shown between the movement of a photon and its internal structure as well as the Energy Density of this universe, as measured by Planck’s Constant. Key to determining this photonic structure is the splitting of the Gravitational Constant into two separate constants: c2 and a new Field Density, the latter of which is what varies for Gravity versus Strong Force according to the photon’s internal structure. An association is then mathematically shown to exist between the Field Density of gravity and the value of c2, and as well between that and Planck’s Constant. The final analysis yields an equation that predicts the mass values for protons and electrons based only on geometrical considerations and the sinusoidally varying nature of the Field Density. It is also shown how various aspects of this theory connects to known equations and derivations as exist in Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, thus forming a bridge between them. A relationship between Charge and entangled photonic fields is then mathematically demonstrated. Finally, the difference between matter and antimatter is explained within the context of these theories. Wherever possible, calculated values are compared to known measured ones and shown to agree to within 0.4% – 0.005% for most values.