
Advancement in Yoga and Physical Therapy(AYPT)

ISSN: 2995-3308 | DOI: 10.33140/AYPT

Rehabilitation and Prevention of Surfing Injuries: Literature Review


Joao Rafael Rocha da Silva and Mariana de Oliveira

Introduction: Surfing a wave requires the practitioner [surfer] to be in good physical condition and have sensory motor skills, as well as knowledge of weather and ocean conditions. Knowing which the most frequent injuries in sports practice are is fundamental for the rehabilitation and prevention of injuries.

Objective: To research and analyze studies with good scientific evidence that investigated the incidence of injuries caused during surfing, correlating with clinical practice for a better understanding of injury mechanisms.

Methods: A search was performed on the PUBMED database on June 18, 2023, using the following search strategy [[surf] OR [surfing]] AND [[injuries] OR [acute pain] OR [chronic pain]].

Results: Of a total of 598 studies, only 2 studies were eligible by the inclusion criteria.

Conclusion: The spine, shoulders, and lower limbs are the places with the highest incidence of injuries in surfing.