
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Quantum Elliptic Curve


George Yury Matveev

The present paper summarizes the author’s work on Elliptic Curve and its Rational Points. We derive new Quantum Mechanical Equation from the Quantum Mechanics first principles.

We then describe the Quantum Entanglement Mechanism, based on the link between the two Quantum Elliptic Curves author first derived in the original version of the present paper in October 2020. The two Quantum Elliptic Curves represent states of the two entangled particles forming an EPR-pair (aka Bell state).

Also we present two methods of manipulation of state of an EPR-pair. Together they provide algorithm for the Quantum Teleportation.