
Journal of Robotics and Automation Research(JRAR)

ISSN: 2831-6789 | DOI: 10.33140/JRAR

Impact Factor: 1.06

Quantum Computing Using Chaotic Numbers


Usama Shamsuddin Thakur

Quantum Mechanics and Computation has a major problem calledthe measurement problem [7, 19]. This has given physicists a very hardtime over the years when I first looked into the problem my approach wassimple find a new number system that can go with the uncertainty of aQuantum particle the paper deals with the mathematics of uncertaintywhich has solved 2 millenium prize problemsand quantum measurementproblem very efficiently[4, 5]. We divide chaos into two parts lowchaos and high chaos then we find the desired value inside the intersectionof both[19]. This helps us find something in a 3 >>>∞ this takesthe problems around us to the next level if we are able to control a chaosthen we can achieve pretty muchanything[22]. This paper is inspired by.