
Journal of Marine Science Research and Oceanography(JMSRO)

ISSN: 2642-9020 | DOI: 10.33140/JMSRO

Impact Factor: 1.8

Purification of Water and Air is Promoting Global Warming and Country Decline


Shoichiro Ozaki

Burning of fossil is increasing. Production of CO2 and NOx is increasing. Increased CO2 and NOx promoted the CO2 assimilation. Most produced CO2 is fixed by CO2 assimilation. But developed countries started purification of water and air by elimination of NOx and NP at around 1980. 6 billion tone NOx and 2 billion tone NP are eliminated. NOx is main nitrogen fertilizer and NP is main nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer. Therefore plant growth is retarded. CO2 fix is retarded. CO2 is increasing. Food like grain, fish, and meat production is retarded. DGP increase rate decreased. Global warming and country decline are progressing. If developed countries stop NOx elimination by ammonia and close waste water purification station, global warming will stop and country decline will stop.