
International Journal of Clinical and Medical Education Research(IJCMER)

ISSN: 2832-7705 | DOI: 10.33140/IJCMER

Impact Factor: 1.76

Psychocultural Influence of Toraja Culture on Character Education for Generation Children


Nelsi Parai

Humans as social beings cannot be separated from the communication process that will help in achieving their desires. With the advancement of social media, humans can improve intercultural communication without any distance limitations. The occurrence of cultural psychocultural is strongly influenced by a person or group of people who want to introduce the noble values that are embraced in the local culture. But nowadays, intercultural communication for Generation Z has begun to erode due to the emergence of a culture of modernization and globalization that provides various facilities for each generation which tends to result in conflict. This paper aims to understand the psychocultural influence of culture that will affect the character formation of today's generation who tend to avoid local communication which is full of rules and values of life.