
Advances in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence(AMLAI)

ISSN: 2769-545X | DOI: 10.33140/AMLAI

Proposed Enhanced Security on Face Recognition Technology for Mobile Devices


Uwizeyimana Abdulkarim, Kareangabo Gabriel, Umurerwa Marie Adeline, Semuranzi Damascene, Kavamahanga Lambert, Dagmawi Lemma

Although Face Recognition has many advantages over traditional technology (fingerprint, keystroke, Passwords, Pins, Patterns and voice) like feature used for protection and reduction risks of accessing other’s information without permission and provide fast and easy accessibility of the information stored in the device for authorized user. However, some of the systems can be fooled with a picture or video of a user’s face that can be unlocked by someone that looks similar to you (such as a twin), other point if the mobile phone user was kidnapped and be forced to unlock his /her device for Froude use. As mentioned above issues, they are still having a leakage about the security of information stored in the device according to their working algorithm. In this paper, we are proposing a way to enhance the security on face recognition for mobile devices by connecting the mobile device to the other wearable device in order to increase security on face recognition to the mentioned issues and ensure that the information is more secured