Predictors of Neonatal Sepsis Among Post Delivery Mothers at Kitete Regional Referral Hospital in Tabora Region: A Cross Sectional Study
Mwanaharusi S Mpinga, Alex Ernest and Aziza S. Machenje
Background Neonatal sepsis is the clinical infection categorized as early and late-onset. It is a public health challenge all over the world despite of maternal health interventions. Tabora Region is still the region with a high morbidity of neonatal sepsis at the western zone of Tanzania by 6.8%. Risk factors are still obscure. The aim of this study was to assess predictors associated with neonatal sepsis in Kitete Hospital.
Methods Quantitative and hospital based cross-sectional study with a total number of 328 of neonates with their mothers were selected to participate into the study by using a simple random sampling with lottery method. Blood culture and sensitivity test as well as interviewer administered questionnaires were used to collect data. SPSS version 20 was used for data analysis and descriptive and inferential statistics were employed.
Results The prevalence of neonatal sepsis in Tabora region is 23.2%. Predictors which were associated with neonatal sepsis were antenatal care < 4 visits (AOR 4.297; 95% CI: 2.163, 8.534), more than four per vagina examination (AOR 2.735; 95% CI: 1.111, 6.734), premature rupture of membrane > 18 hrs during labor (AOR: 2.735; 95% CI: 1.235, 6.911) and prolonged/ obstructed labour (AOR: 3.517; 95% CI: 1.521, 8.113).
Conclusion Neonatal sepsis is still a public health challenge in Tabora region with the prevalence of 23.2%. Important factors noted to contribute neonatal sepsis were antenatal care attendance less than 4 visits, prolonged labour/obstructed labour, premature rupture of membrane for more than 18 hours during labour and per vagina examination for more than three examinations. All pregnant mothers should be encouraged to attend at least 4 antenatal care visits during pregnancy with thorough examination during antenatal care visits and appropriate health education delivery to pregnant mothers, are key strategies against factors associated with neonatal sepsis.
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