
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Portuguese Validation of the Postpartum Learning Needs Inventory


Paula Sarreira-de-Oliveira and Renato Nunes

Purpose: this study aim to validate the Postpartum Learning Needs inventory, to the Portuguese population.

Method: the PLN was translated and adapted into Portuguese, then given to a sample of 251 adolescent mothers, from 8 institutions in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. The exploratory factorial analysis was performed by the principal component analysis method with Varimax orthogonal rotation, as well as the internal consistency estimation.

Results: good internal consistency was obtained with 0.89. The factorial structure of the scale in the Portuguese version is constituted by two factors. The structure was slightly different from the original version without compromising the theorical framework to be evaluated.

Conclusion: the scale revealed properties that attest to its quality, presenting high potential for use in other studies.