
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Physics and Mechanism of Creation, Separation and Orbiting of the Solar System Bodies Based on Jacobi Dynamics



Our work sets forth and builds upon the fundamentals of the dynamics of natural systems in formulating the problem presented by Jacobi in his famous lecture series “Vorlesung über Dynamik”. In the dynamics of systems described by models of discrete and continuous media, the many-body problem is usually solved in some approximation, or the behavior of the medium is studied at each point of the space it occupies. Such an approach requires the system of equations of motion to be written in terms of space co-ordinates and velocities, in which case the requirements of an internal observer for a detailed description of the processes are satisfied.