
Journal of Novel Physiotherapies Research Reviews(JNP)

ISSN: 2771-7739 | DOI: 10.33140/JNP

Physical Therapy: Anti-Depression and Happiness Initiation as A New Medico-Social Hypothes


Ahed J Alkhatib

Physical therapy has benefits rather than direct medical benefits relating to rehabilitation of organs with certain injuries. The main objective of this study is to explore our hypothesis, that states “physical therapy: anti-depressant and happiness initiation as n new medico-social hypothesis”.

From a medical point of view, physical rehabilitation highly concerns with the organs to be improved functionally. This may work on different levels including neuroscience. What we have found is that physical rehabilitation works on cellular level and interferes with cellular machinery process such as upregulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and downregulation of some proteins such as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). These processes are likely to work as antidepressant and initiate happiness. These findings are derived from various animal experimental models of diabetes and Parkinson disease.

From a social context, physical training is usually carried out in groups, a matter that makes exercise enjoyable. Taken together, physical therapy or training should be encouraged to satisfy high levels of happiness and to combat depression.