Perturbed Risk Probabilities of Developing Diabetic Complications, Including Heart Attack, Stroke, Kidney Complications and Diabetic Retinopathy in Comparison with HbA1C Values over the Past 11.5 Years Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 476)
Gerald C Hsu
This paper describes the author’s math-physical assessment of his three perturbed annual risk probabilities on having atherosclerotic conditions, cardiovascular disease (CVD), stroke, renal complications & chronic kidney disease (CKD), and diabetic retinopathy (DR) over a period of 11.5 years from 1/1/2010- to 6/30/2021. These three predicted risk probabilities are calculated using his developed metabolism index (MI) model created in 2014. In addition, he compared the perturbed three risk probabilities against HbA1C (A1C) values calculated from his A1C prediction model generated in 2015. It includes comparisons and verifications against his measured A1C values from various hospitals or medical clinical laboratories over the same time period. Finally, he applies the perturbation theory of quantum mechanics or modern physics and utilized A1C value as his perturbation factor or slope to develop three sets of perturbed risk probabilities of having a CVD, CKD, and DR within the same time frame (2010 through 2021). He then further compare these three perturbed risk curves against the three calculated risk curves using the MI model.