
Open Access Journal of Applied Science and Technology(OAJAST)

ISSN: 2993-5377 | DOI: 10.33140/OAJAST

Impact Factor: 1.08

Particles Are Mutual Energy Flows and Waves Are Reactive Power without Collapse


Shuang-Ren Zhao

In accordance with the Copenhagen interpretation, particles are created by the collapse of the wave caused by measurement. However, there is currently no mathematical description for the collapse of the wave. The transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics introduces advanced waves. The author successfully introduces advanced waves in classical electromagnetic theory. Retarded waves and advanced waves constitute mutual energy flow, and mutual energy flow possesses the properties of photons and can be considered as photons. Initially, the author believed that the self-energy flow of retarded waves and advanced waves collapsed in opposite directions. Recently, the author found that the reason for the need for reverse collapse is an error in the definition of the magnetic field in classical electromagnetic theory. After correcting the definition of the magnetic field, electromagnetic waves have reactive power, and thus, no collapse is needed. The author found that most quantum mechanics theories borrow patterns from classical electromagnetic theory. Thus, the probability flow in the Schrodinger equation and the Poynting energy flow in classical electromagnetic theory are very similar. Since the magnetic field in electromagnetic theory needs correction, the quantity corresponding to the magnetic field in the Schrodinger equation should also be corrected. The correction makes the self-energy flow obtained by the Schrodinger equation, i.e., the probability flow, have reactive power. The mutual energy flow obtained by the Schrodinger equation has active power. Thus, this mutual energy flow can express particles in quantum mechanics in a vacuum, such as electrons. Therefore, the collapse of the wave is entirely due to a problem with the definition of probability flow in quantum mechanics. After correcting this definition, the collapse of the wave is completely avoided. Once particles are represented by mutual energy flow, the wave- particle duality problem is completely resolved.