
Archives of Infectious Diseases & Therapy(AIDT)

ISSN: 2577-8455 | DOI: 10.33140/AIDT

Impact Factor: 1.385*

Onset of Diabetes Pediatric Age and Comorbidly in the last 12 years and urgent Covid Vaccination in Sanitary Agency in Bergamo, Italy


Veronica D. Colombo

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease as a result of absent or low intake in internal production of Insulin or glucose tolerance in a large diffusion population of 3.27 million people in Italy. 5,4 thousand of Italian people for ISTAT in a future prospective and there will be an increase in the next years for high increase risk of new cases every year until now. We have Diabetes typo II (T2DM, older in 90%), and Diabetes typo I (T1DM, younger in 10%), both are Prevent with Auxological Screening and early Intervention with Nutritional Applied Behavior Analysis (A.B.A.). An early diagnosis determines a survival of 5,000 patients for year. In our patients affects by T1DM, during pandemic of Coronavirus disease (SARS-CoV type 2 and variants), we have noted an increase of glycemia during respiratory infections with more comorbidities and complications for them. Clinical Study We study 181 patients who have accessed in Treviglio-Caravaggio Hospital in these years since 1/1/2009 to 1/6/2020. we have 181 records divided for sex: 104 males and 77 females. With follow-up for 55 patients with severe comorbidities and 4 were transferred to HUB Center for risk of coma in severe compliances and during Covid lock down 44 patients were suggested to take care in HUB center of Bergamo or Milan to prevent their hospitalizations in security environment. The children’s accesses affected by Diabetes type 1 was in our Emergency and Pediatric Department of Treviglio Hospital in the last 12 years, since 1 January 2009 to 1 June 2021, are 129 total patients and 52 new patients during Auxological-Nutritional Ambulatory for Pediatric T1DM outpatients before and during 2020-2021 controls of metabolic diet therapy in fellow-up, now, with cellphone and in Meet.
Materials and Methods We have records data in excel and Pivot graphic and analysis in Anova Statics Program with follow-up of 181 patients divided in 2 period of age: preschooler 23, and scholar e adolescent 157. 125 patients are divided in 123 Diabetes Mellitus (with Italian code 775.1 e 250.1 national record), 2 MOBY cases and 57 patients with one or more comorbidly. From date of casehistory, we need now analysis 3 groups with outset of diabetes during 2 years of life of which 19.2% with comorbidity 21.6% with many comorbidities and cases of Insulin-dependent Diabetes after 2 years of life are 77,7%, with severe comorbidity in 24%. With comorbidity outset in the 39.2% and during follow-up in 42.4%. From report 21% patients have for the major part “Celiac Disease” and 6,4% other infections (Helicobacter Pylori and enteritis). Whereas 28% have metabolic-auxological endocrinological diseases (acute/chronic evolution during up-growth). Underweight young with T1DM (BMI < 15 Kg/m2) or obesity (BMI>35 Kg/m2) have a high risk to be infected and dead for COVID-19 owing to complications of their status of health.
Conclusions Until 1/31/2018, we allow to do a distinction: the first since 2009-2014 within 20.6% early diagnosis and discovered in later age the second since 2014-2019 with more 38.4%. In the last years since 2019-2021 about, the early neonatal respect to mellitus DMT1 of last period, presents a predictive index of 55.5% with a better stature-ponderal development, neurological-behavior, and nutritional-compliance monitoring in 12 years of periodic controls. Since 11 March 2020 with WhatsApp, Hangouts and Meet or Skype, our data of SARS-CoV-19 infection in T1DM patients showed more than 65% positive patients by serological test after a period of suspect disease in 12 patients (6,6%) against a few symptoms in 107 patients (59,11%) with positive nasalpharyngeal test during quarantine or observation in a second lockdown, since September 2020 to May 2021.