
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

Novel Quantum Gravity Interpretation of Chemical Equilibrium, Free Energy, Dark Energy and Dark Matter of the Universe


C Bhattacharya

The conventional concepts of the free energies of the matters of the universe, have been revisited in regard to free volumes of matters and a new concept of the free energy variable has been put forward based on the concept of quantum gravity. The phenomena’s as for example, equilibrium constants of the chemical reactions, their dimensionalities, and the spontaneity criteria of chemical reactions have been revisited in light of the dimensions and geometrical shapes of activation volume /energy graviton, entropy graviton, rate constant graviton and order of the chemical reactions as defined in the recently discovered theory of quantum gravity (QG theory).

The origin of evolution of dark energy and dark matters of the universe have been clearly elaborated through the newer concepts of free energy and the concept of QG theory respectively. The existence of the several equilibrium in nature of the dark masses with the phenomena’s of EM wave, the plasma state, cosmic rays, photo-electricity, antigravity, black hole,.. etc. have been clearly revealed.