New Very Promising Method of Exaction of Biofuels from Fermentation Fluids Used for their Manufacture
Michael Vladislavovich Tyurin
The Author claims he created Acetogens-biocatalysts capable to excret to the fermentation liquid final products of the CO2 bicatalysis fuel isobutanol up to 11-12 g/L and fuel Acetone up to 9.5-10 g/L. Among the methods for said biofuels extraction, the Author discusses the most economical from his point of view methods extraction of the fuel Isobutanol with the help of ethyl-hexanol and fuel Acetone with the help of aqueous solutions of K2HPO4 or K4P2O7. The Author has tested his Carbon Negative biofuels as the components of the fuel mixture suitable to power ether gasoline cars engines or diesel fuel cars engines. Said mixture includes 30% fuel Isobutanol, 20% fuel butanol; 30% DAA and 20% Mesityl oxide. Diacetyl alcohol and Mesityl oxide are the products of the aldol condensation of the fuel acetone. The Author offers his biofuel mixture at his new type of the gas stations offering to customers not only Carbon Negative fuels, but also Carbon Negative genetically engineered foods and distilled water along with the regular staff also available at the regular gas stations: windshield wipers, motor oils, electric wires to start the car, etc.