
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.62

New Mathematics for Nucleons


Gudrun Kalmbach HE

In this century it is clear that the nano range can use mathematics differently from 100 years ago where quantum mechanics QM formulated its axioms. A first news is that the postulate on ψ-waves is revised: indinite dimensions are replaced by 8 dimensions of the strong interactions geometry. It is not linear but a toriodal product of two 3-and 5-dimensional spheres. S³ is already used in the QM spin calculus for the weak WI and electromagentic EM unit sphere in the 4-dimensional space used in physics to describe its systems through 4-vectors. Vectors can be exdended by an additional list of numbers to 8 digits. This is needed in this centrury to accomodate the findings in particle physics, not only for the 8 SI gluons. It provides in addition a unification of gravity with the standard models forces.