Neuro-Psychological Interpretations of Mathematical Results Reported in Case of Discrete- Time Hopfield Neural Networks
Andreea V. Cojocaru and Stefan Balint
In this paper, for mathematical descriptions of electrical phenomena (voltage state) appearing in nervous system discrete-time Hopfield neural network is used. The equilibrium states of a discrete-time Hopfield neural network are interpreted as equilibriums of the nervous system. An equilibrium state for which the steady state is locally exponentially stable is interpreted as robust equilibrium of the nervous system. That is because after a small perturbation of the equilibrium steady state the network recover the equilibrium. A path of equilibrium states for which the steady states are locally exponentially stable is interpreted as a path of robust equilibriums of the nervous system. This is a way to follow in healthcare for transfer gradually the nervous system from a pathologic robust equilibrium into a non-pathologic robust equilibrium. For illustration, computed way of transfer is presented.