
Stem Cell Research International(SCRI)

ISSN: 2639-6866 | DOI: 10.33140/SCRI

Impact Factor: 1.12

Nature - Reasons & Success of my - Informational-Regenerative-Natural-Medical-Treatment


Dr. Massimo Lombardi

The Mechanistic To-Day Science does not recognise the “Source” of “Life-Energy” in Nature. One of the consequences is that all the attempts to do “Autologous Stem Cells Transplants” have Some Good Results but not so much and many as with my “Treatment” through the:“Informational Regenerative Medicine” that I have conceived and discovered just after my firsts “Autologous Stem Cells straight Transplants” in the Eyes of Patients come from all over the World with different Eye’Pathologies at the “Eduardus KrankenHaus-Hospital” in Koln (Colonia) in Germany in February 2008 with the permission and control of the German Ministry of Health.