
Open Access Journal of Applied Science and Technology(OAJAST)

ISSN: 2993-5377 | DOI: 10.33140/OAJAST

Impact Factor: 1.08

Nature as an Objective Reality (What is Nature?)


Robert Yusupov

All people of our planet and every person individually should know the truth about NATURE. After all, we are all children of NATURE. The author believes that he was able to achieve a true understanding of the structure of nature, its fundamental laws and its evolution algorithm. This is a completely scientific understanding. This understanding is based on the philosophy of dialectical materialism. And this is the only true and scientific philosophy. The secrets of nature discovered and learned by the author of this article are offered to your attention, dear readers. Since childhood, we ask ourselves and others the question “What is nature?” The correct and true answer is given to us by materialists, dialectical materialists. Nature is an objective reality that exists outside our consciousness and independently of our consciousness. Nature is everything that surrounds us, and ourselves. Everything that surrounds us and we ourselves belong to and exist in nature. Nature is everything. There is nothing and no one in the world that would not belong to nature.

The concept, category “nature” is the broadest concept. There is no more comprehensive concept. All this is wonderful, all this is true. But I want to specifically imagine all this and grasp it with my mind's eye. “Nature exists absolutely, without relation to anything or anyone” - this is the first concrete fact and the first concrete truth, with which, perhaps, the scientific knowledge of nature begins. The author of this article has a solid starting position, a large reserve. These are his results of scientific research within the framework of the scientific project “Theory of Nature” (TN). In 2021, the book of the same name “Theory of Nature” was published. TN is a scientific and dialectical-materialistic Revolution in physics and cosmology (cosmogony). Within the framework of this article, from the position of the only true and scientific philosophy of dialectical materialism and based on the revolutionary “Theory of Nature”, the fundamental question, the problem “What is NATURE” is solved? As it seems to the author, this is perhaps the limit of our knowledge of nature.