
International Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine(IJNN)

ISSN: 2476-2334 | DOI: 10.33140/IJNN

Impact Factor: 0.836

Nanotechnology as an Alternative to Chemotherapy


Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Chemotherapy is the most dreaded therapy for cancer especially for women and there has been demand for alternative therapy where one has not to pass through agony of the after effects. Alternative therapies to chemotherapy exist. These include photodynamic therapy, laser therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and hormone therapy. There were 10 other softer options to consider but the alternative cancer treatments can't cure cancer. Alternative treatments may lessen anxiety, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, pain, difficulty sleeping, and stress the common signs and symptoms and may offer some feeling of control, but many of these alternative cancer treatments are unproved as these may be turned out to be dangerous. Cancer treatments can be made safer and more precise by nanotechnology. Either you can burn cancer cells with the help of nanotechnology or you can deliver medicines even used for chemotherapy straight to the tumour by specially designed nanoparticles. On reaching the target only, they release the medicine and not before that. Healthy tissues around the tumour are saved from drugs from damaging the harming. Side effects which otherwise occur from this damage are thus avoided. Nanotechnology can also detect the cancer cells at the earliest stages while cells just start dividing, cure of cancer is easier. The pros and cons of nanotechnology and present chemotherapy are discussed in this paper.