Muon Mass Model - Theoretical Masses of Tau-Lepton, u- and d-quarks in Simplified Models - General Approach to Calculate Elementary Particle Masses
Pavel Viacheslavovich Ragin
Numerical values of masses of elementary particles are one of the most fundamental and oldest unsolved problems (the Higgs mechanism does not explain them). In the model presented here for the first time, the theoretical mass of a “heavy electron”, muon, is calculated as 206.7 (±2.5) electron masses, which is 100.0% (±1.2%) of the experimental value of 206.7682827(46). The result is obtained through 100 iterations of the algorithm, which uses random numbers (from the π sequence) to represent the uncertainty of the coordinates of interacting muon substructures. Muon is considered a structure of interconnected nodes - identical deformable balls - and contains, in contrast to a single node as a 1st- order structure (and a 1st generation particle, electron) - a layer of 12 nodes surrounding it, thus forming a 2nd-order structure, which also looks like a ball but on a smaller scale. The simplest attraction forces are modelled between the nodes, inversely proportional to the square of the distance, in equilibrium with repulsion forces arising from a relation analogous to the Heisenberg uncertainty formula. The energy-mass of the muon turns out to be equal to the total useful energy released during the structure’s formation - the collapse of 13 nodes initially separated at infinity. We finish with discussing the tauon’s, u- and d-quarks’ masses in simplified cases, showing the generality of our approach. Some implications for future theoretical work are also given.