Minor Palatine Nerve Block in Peritonsillar Abscess Drainage from April To December In the Otorhinolaryngology Emergency Department of The Hospital De Clinics - San Lorenzo 2022
Sergio Nunez Samudio, Carlos Mena Canata and Raul Tornaco
Background: A peritonsillar abscess is a purulent collection localized between the palatine tonsil and the muscular wall of the oropharynx and appears to be a complication of acute tonsillitis or infection of Weber's glands. The typical clinical presentation of peritonsillar abscess includes severe sore throat, fever, and a "hot potato" voice. Historical features are important for guiding management.
Methods: A prospective, controlled, non-randomized study was conducted on patients who presented at the ENT emergency department of Hospital de Clinicals - San Lorenzo with uncomplicated peritonsillar abscesses. They were divided into two groups, one receiving the lesser palatine nerve block, and the other receiving only topical anesthesia with 10% lidocaine. Pain levels were assessed using a 10-point numerical scale before and 30 minutes after surgical drainage.
Results: The group that received the lesser palatine nerve block experienced significantly lower pain levels during the procedure compared to the control group. However, the difference in pain level after the procedure was not statistically significant between the two groups.
Conclusions: Despite the variability in the results, it is concluded that the lesser palatine nerve block is a safe technique that can provide better pain control during peritonsillar abscess drainage. Further studies with a larger sample size and consideration of other factors are needed to fully validate this technique and its potential benefits in clinical practice.