
Advances in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence(AMLAI)

ISSN: 2769-545X | DOI: 10.33140/AMLAI

Millimeter wave MPA using Metamaterial-substrate Antenna array for Gain Enhancement


Rishitha Komatineni, Vaishnavi Dasari, Chinta Samson Hruday, Varun Sharma Vutukuru, Pranjalee Mishra, K D Kulat

This paper presents a Millimeter wave Microstrip Patch antenna(MPA) with a metaplate which consists of Split Ring resonators(SRR) design. The gain and bandwidth of MPA are improved by using 4×3 array unit cells printed on both the sides of the metaplate. Simulation results show that the Gain of the antenna was increased by 4.82 dBi and 4.53 dBi, bandwidth was increased by 2.25% and 6.21% in CST and HFSS softwares respectively using the Metaplate along with the MPA. The center frequency of the proposed antenna is 28.5 GHz. Thus the proposed antenna has a very small size of 18×22 mm2 and is suitable for Millimeter wave applications.