
Advances in Nutrition & Food Science(ANFS)

ISSN: 2572-5971 | DOI: 10.33140/ANFS

Impact Factor: 1.1

Managing Anxiety and Hyperactivity with Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and Integrated Approaches to Improve Body Composition


Claudio Lombardo

Frenzy and hyperactivity are common states in modern society, often linked to dysfunctions of the Central Nervous System (CNS) and conditions such as overweight or obesity [1-5]. These states are exacerbated by a social context increasingly oriented toward productivity and speed, imposing constant stimuli and pressures. This study proposes an innovative weight-loss protocol based on biofeedback and neurofeedback, integrated with bioimpedance analysis and strategies to optimize circadian rhythms. The article provides a critical review of the literature on the role of the CNS in daily habits, the influence of chronic stress, and the effectiveness of feedback technologies.