
Current Research in Statistics & Mathematics(CRSM)

ISSN: 2994-9459 | DOI: 10.33140/CRSM

Liaisons Among Symbols


Karl Javorszky

Biologic processes can be depicted as circular algorithms on a limited number of distinct elements. The concept deviates from the Sumerian tradition of using an unlimited number of identical units in a linear, noncircular fashion. We have uncovered relations between distinguishable elements that are constructed by using two natural numbers a, b (a, b ≤ 16, a ≤ b) that make up together one “Akkadian” unit. We propose to use the etalon collection of 136 units, each of which is a pair of a,b. (The collection consists of numeric values: {(1,1), (1,2), (1,3),...,(2,2), (2,3),...., (15,16), (16,16).}). We order and reorder the etalon collection by sorting and resorting it, paying attention to the cycles that appear during a resort, and to the certitude of coincidences appearing as a consequence of several cycles running parallel (like wheels of a Las Vegas machine). Reader is strongly advised to conduct a simple exercise of self-education, by ordering 12 books on their table, first in a sequence author – title, from which the reorder into the sequence title – author is the source of the self-education. Ordering and sorting are abilities that children learn sooner than at the age of 6 years, before the child learns the Sumerian concepts of what is a unit. The ability to recognize sorting procedures generating circular references has not been educated along with the ability to recognize multitudes made up of identical units. The terms ‘place’, ‘value’, ‘movement’, ‘time’, ‘coincidence’, ‘potential’, ‘information’, etc. are experienced anew, while doing the self-educating experiment with 12 books, based on the insights coming from deictic procedures, as one moves one’s books from their old place to their new place, ejecting other books in the process. We look at the books in transit. Elements that are in transit generate one distinct, their own logical class. There are rules pertaining to order and reorder, and to observe such, the best introduction is to use 12 random objects that are classified in 2 aspects. Because the entry to the thought system of circular order engages brain areas hitherto not trained, and because the basic concepts shift from “limitless, linear, unidentifiable” to “limited size, periodic/cyclic/circular, individuals”, the explanation of the discovery faces didactic difficulties. Reader is invited to overcome traditional eye-blinders and habitual blind spots, and to learn the particular techniques of periodic counting. The algorithms work in tandem with their well-known Sumerian counterparts and allow deep insights into Nature’s organizational principles.