
Advances in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence(AMLAI)

ISSN: 2769-545X | DOI: 10.33140/AMLAI

Letter To Feynman, Einstein, Wallace, Darwin, Maxwell and Mendeleev


John Owen Roberts

The Roberts-Janet Nuclear Periodic Table has emerged recently. The inversion of the Periodic Table to accommodate spatial variation of atomic energy levels relative to the nucleus has subsequently been underwritten by Quantum Field Theory’s U (1) X SU (2) x SU (3) group symmetry and Clifford Algebra resulting in a one-toone mapping between the Roberts-Janet Table and The Quantum Mechanical Table. This manuscript attempts to show the over-arching nature of the Roberts-Janet Table epitomised by two cycles. The first of these is the role of causality within the lower half of the table in nucleosynthesis and cosmology whilst the second attempts to outline causality’s path in the upper half of the table in biochemical settings. The link between the cycles is the set of elements themselves; within theoretically an infinite group of elements as radioactivity is reignited having been extinguished temporarily in the ebb and flow of production and annihilation of white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes. The current scientific landscape is outlined to create a platform from which to proceed. Various sizes of black hole production suggest a hierarchy of outcomes which produces a reignition of radioactivity and potentially a creation of other universes from the explosions of larger supermassive black holes as energies increase to the Planck scale resulting in periods of inflation and condensation that predate quark production. Universes could be superimposed on previous universes explaining why some supermassive black holes appear nearer than current theoretical models.