
Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM)

ISSN: 2834-7706 | DOI: 10.33140/JMTCM

Impact Factor: 1.3

Kinematic Model Yields Two Geo-Synchronous Orbits of E-M System and M-P-D System Validated by Total Energy Analysis


Bijay Kumar Sharma

In Black Holes (BH) studies , a well-tested method of total energy analysis is used by which the radius of Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO) around the central BH is analyzed and the dimensionless spin parameter of BH is extracted. The same total energy analysis is utilized in case of E-M and M-P planet-satellite pairs and their extremum points are obtained. The energy maxima happens to be the inner unstable co-rotational orbit (aG1) and the energy minima happens to be outer stable corotational orbit(aG2) in case of E-M and M-P systems and their values from KM correspond to those obtained from Energy Analysis. This vindicates KM of binary pairs.