
Advances in Bioengineering and Biomedical Science Research(ABBSR)

ISSN: 2640-4133 | DOI: 10.33140/ABBSR

Impact Factor: 1.7

Investigation of Two Different Postprandial Plasma Glucoses with Fasting Glucose, Body Weight, Carbohydrates and Sugar Intake, and Post-Meal Walking Steps by Consuming Liquid Phase Egg Meals and Solid Phase Egg Meals Based on Viscoplastic Energy Model of GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine (No. 1049)


Gerald C. Hsu

The author investigated the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for the differences in postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) levels between liquid egg meals, such as egg drop soup, and solid egg meals, like pan-fried or hard- boiled eggs. Base on information he read, the observed variations in PPG are linked to the rates of digestion, gastric emptying, and absorption within the gastrointestinal system. However, these descriptions of delay in the digestion process cannot fully explain the immediate rise in PPG levels observed within the first 15 minutes after consuming food he has observed from his collected PPG dataset. The author's prior research papers observed that his collected PPG waveforms for these two different types of meals significantly differ from the initial intake to the peak at approximately 60 minutes, and continuing up to 180 minutes after eating. This indicates that the differences are not solely based on gastrointestinal processes, but are also closely associated with the neural communication system and brain function.

His hypothesis posits that upon the arrival of food in the stomach, a signal is immediately sent to the brain indicating the physical phase of the food (liquid or solid). The brain then treat those liquid food similarly to water drinking which are different from those solid food, triggering different amounts of glucose production in the liver and insulin production in the pancreas, thus affecting the PPG waveforms and resulting in distinct PPG values for liquid versus solid meals, as shown in the attached figure.

The author analyzed two sets of PPG data (liquid versus solid egg meals) against four consistent variables: fasting plasma glucose in early morning (FPG), body weight (BW), carbohydrate or sugar intake (Carbs), and post-meal walking steps (Steps). Using the space-domain Viscoplastic medicine energy method from engineering, the energy associations between these two different PPG outcomes and those four identical influential variables were calculated.