Intervention Possibilities of Violence Against Children in Interdisciplinar Teamwork Using Simulation and E-Learning Methods
Marika Merits, Mare Tupits, Silja Mets-Oja, Rauni Rohuniit and Uno Traat
Background: The current short article is about intervention possibilities of violence against children in interdisciplinar teamwork using simulation and e-learning methods. Based on cooperation of Tallinn Health Care College and Security Science Academy, Estonia. All forms of violence are deplorable, especially violence against children. In Estonia the legal framework of intervention for police and the healthcare has been developed, but the cooperation between the institutions is still weak, and therefore a victims support is too low and not effective
Purpose: To describe how students of two higher education institution (Tallinn Health Care College & Academy of Security Sciences) learn to intervene possibilities of violence against children in interdisciplinar teamwork using simulation and e-learning methods. The emphasis is on common learning of healthcare students and police students.
Method: Descriptive method. Creation of learning subject using simulation and e-learning methods.
Conclusion: Students learned better to understand the cooperation between the police work and healthcare. The knowledges and skills they acquired will allow them to offer for victims and family members the effective complete solutions. Students were satisfied with the subject and made some proposals to improvement.