
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.6

International Contest for Validation of G-D's Physics' New Twenty-First Century's New Scientific Paradigm


Jehonathan Bentovish (Bentwich)

Dr. Bentovish's (Bentwich's) new "G-D's Physics" Theory is considered as the New Twenty-First Century's Scientific Paradigm, based on its proven capacity to completely unify between General Relativity Theory (GRT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM), and empirical validation of (two unique) "Critical Predictions" of "G-D's Physics" New Paradigm as more valid than the corresponding predictions of both GRT & QM (e.g., see attached article). Indeed, this (recent) empirical validation of "G-D's Physics" 'UNCIARE' Critical Prediction points at the existence of a singular (higher-ordered) "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) that (simultaneously) computes all exhaustive spatial pixels comprising the entire physical universe at the incredible rate of "c2 /h = 1.36-50 sec'(.) thereby allowing this singular UCP to produce an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" of the entire whole universe. In addition, this validated UNCIARE Critical Prediction indicates the existence of a (novel) "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" (CHCF) theoretical postulate, which stipulates that whenever there exist such CHCF (of Millions of individual human-beings) on this singular UCP, then this brings about an increase in the UCP's rate of the universe's expansion; Such as during the "Jewish Rosh Hashanah's (JRH's) two days' of CHCF that occurred during Oct. 3-4, 2024 – there should occur "Minute Annual Increase" [MAI] in the universe's measured rate of expansion (e.g., relative to the preceding precise measurement of the universe's expansion rate). Likewise, an accumulated MAI's increase in the universe's expansion rate, see delineation in the "Measurement" section).