
Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ANN)

ISSN: 2640-5571 | DOI: 10.33140/ANN

Interacting Greens Function and Lehmann Representation in Photoemission Experiments and Interaction Effects


Godfrey Murunga

The Phenomenon of photoelectric effect was discovered by W. Hertz in 1887 experimentally long ago, and as time passed theoretical explanation was given, the important work of Albert Einstein in 1905 that earned him Nobel Prize in 1921. Then experiments were done to measure Plank’s constant h and the measurement of electron charge, and the award of Nobel Prize to R.A. Millikan in 1923. As Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory was developed, more refined and complex theories to explain photoelectric effect were developed. Especially the theory of Green’s functions, and Greens function Lehmann representation were developed to explain the phenomena of photoemission. Some significant details of the phenomena of photoemission and its theoretical understanding are presented in this article