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Instrumental diagnosis and laparoscopic treatment of the giant sigmoid diverticulum: technical notes. Internal hernia and abdominal abscess after one month
Raffaele Porfidia, Maria Giovanna Ciolli, Pietro Picarella, Angela Romano, Simona Grimaldi, Mauro Carfora, Giuseppe Russo, Daniela Berritto , Giuseppina Dell
The giant colon diverticulum is a rare disease. Symptomatology is non-specific but can cause acute abdomen in 30% of cases. Diagnosis is often accidental and is mainly based on CT. The treatment is surgical but there are still few cases treated laparoscopically. We present the case of a patient treated laparoscopically who returns to the ward after a month with intra-abdominal abscess and internal hernia without intestinal occlusion.