
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Insights into Complexity: Intussusception with Leiomyoma as a Lead Point in a 67-Year-Old Female


Ayaz Ahmed Awan, Naveed Ullah Khan, Sultan Alkuwaiti, Hafiz Muhammad Hamza and Muhammad Muiz Malik

A portion of the colon that telescopes into the colon's length that comes before or after it is known as intussusception. The patient presented with symptoms of anemia, diarrhea, and stomach discomfort; CT imaging was crucial in guiding the successful laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. The patient's condition was promptly recognized. This emphasizes how crucial it is to be vigilant in identifying and treating this illness, particularly in older people. Analgesia and supportive treatment were useful in managing the leukocytosis and fever that characterized the postoperative phase. Potential problems were avoided by careful observation and fast intervention, highlighting the importance of a thorough diagnostic approach and timely surgical treatment in maximizing patient outcomes. In the context of adult presentations, this case emphasizes the need for enhanced clinical awareness and skillful management tactics when addressing intussusception. It also reinforces the significance of customized therapy to guarantee a good prognosis.