
Advancement in Yoga and Physical Therapy(AYPT)

ISSN: 2995-3308 | DOI: 10.33140/AYPT

Influence of parents physical activity on the level of physical activity of family members on example of the 14th Ethiopian great running competitions


Dr. Biruk Hundito

Involvement in physical activity depends on various factors. Great importance is given to the influence of the family and other environments surrounding the man. Family creates an appropriate educational atmosphere directing human on specific actions. In undertaking research on the running events participants, it was decided to see how physically active parents affect the activity of other members of the family. In this work the method of diagnostic survey using a question- naire was used. The participants of the running events gathered in the 14th Ethiopian great running in the year 2014 were analyzed, however, results only from those who have a family with children were used. Research has shown that the participation of one of the family members in the running events motivate other family members to take an interest in physical activity. Family welcomes the interest in running one of its members. This is reflected in the fact that they are trying to support, admire, and enjoy the runner’s success. What is more, running is a frequent topic of conversations at home or meeting with friends. Respondents also have a photographic documentation of their participations in running events. This is also an element that encourages to physical activity not only family, but also friends and acquaintances.