
General Surgery and Clinical Medicine(GSCM)

ISSN: 2836-4961 | DOI: 10.33140/GSCM

In Which Ways Information Technology Could Be Useful In the Management of Hospitals and How It Can Contribute To the Reduction of Economic Costs in the Health Sector


Frimpong Matthew Antwi

Hospitals began investing in health IT during the 1960s and was initially used to support billing and financial services [1]. Efficien- cy, efficacy, effectiveness, accuracy, reliability, etc. are some key elements in managing the health of individuals, disease surveil- lance, preventive care and healthcare in general. The adoption of Information Technology in healthcare management has brought significant transformation in the healthcare industry. Electron- ic health system (E-Health) has become the game changer in the management of health with enormous benefits to both patients and healthcare workers. E-Health is defined by WHO as the cost-effec- tive and secure use of information and communications technolo- gies in support of health and health-related fields, including health- care services, health surveillance, health literature, and health education, knowledge and research. In this light, many countries are increasing investments in this sector as they see it as more ben- eficial to the previous system which had many deficiencies. US investment in health information technology (IT) has risen sub- stantially since 2008 while the focus on the national deficit and rising healthcare costs has sharpened [2].