Hydrocarbon Production from Canals will Prevent Severe Power Unit Accidents and Reduce the Power of Volcanic Explosions and Earthquakes
V. Korniienko and M. Turkin
We have developed a new method for searching for hydrocarbons (HC) based on the analysis of space images in the spectrum of quantum energies. He made it possible to detect a global network of channels through which endless volumes of hydrocarbons migrate from the North Polar Field to Antarctica. Along the way, they suppress all known hydrocarbon deposits, volcanoes and earthquake zones, pass under power units of power plants, as well as under craters on the Yamal Peninsula. The origin of these channels follows from Einstein's STO, according to which the power units of nuclear and other power plants, together with electric energy, produce quantum electromagnetic waves (S-radiation), which have the same properties as GR. The combined effect of these radiation forms channels in rocks, as well as geoblanders (GB), in which large volumes of hydrocarbons accumulate, the explosions of which caused the emergence of craters in Yamal, as well as severe accidents at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Sayano- Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, and other power plants. Therefore, in order to prevent severe accidents of power units, we propose to evaluate the dynamics of the movement of channels with hydrocarbons to power plants under construction and existing power units, as well as to involve oil producing companies for drilling and production of hydrocarbons from them. This HC production from the canals will not only prevent GB explosions under the power units, but also reduce the activity of volcanoes and earthquakes in the countries of the Ring of Fire.