
Advances in Theoretical & Computational Physics(ATCP)

ISSN: 2639-0108 | DOI: 10.33140/ATCP

Impact Factor: 2.6

How the Electrons Moves Through Tunnel Transition According to New Axioms and Laws


Valentina Markova

The Theory of new Axioms and Laws contains 2 new Axioms and 8 new Laws and is created by the same author. It claims that electron is constructed simultaneously from 2 different vortices: open decelerating transverse vortex and open accelerating longitudinal vortex (Axiom1). They are mutual orthogonal in space (perpendicular in S) and pulsate in time (antiphase in T). Pulsating in time (T) the transverse vortex forms the Real time-space (of light and Electromagnetic waves). Pulsating in time (T) the longitudinal vortices have ability to pack, through they inserte each other and form an longitudinal Funnel. The longitudinal Funnels generate an unique time-space of Gravitational field.

The electron is generated by a transverse decelerating vortex. It is coiled transversely from out to inward and forms the electron"s body like an toroid with radius (r). In center of toroid is generated a longitudinal accelerating Funnel with length (l) perpendicular to plane of toroid (Law1). The electron changes the ratio between its parameters (r and l) depending on the phase of its pulsation in time (T).

In first phase of pulsation in time (T) the electron inflates to an expanded toroid has a maximum radius (r) of the transverse vortex of toroid body and a minimum length (l) of the longitudinal vortex:(r>l). The electron becomes clearly visible to an outside observer and is perceived as particle.

In second phase of the pulsation, the electron contracts to a “point” with a minimum radius (r) and the longitudinal vortex stretches to a maximum length (l): (l>r). Thus electron has an almost zero mass, it becomes invisible to an outside observer and is perceived as wave.

When an electron hits in a potential barrier, according new Theory of new Axioms and Laws, it as transverse vortex (particle for the T/2 period) cannot pass through the potential barrier. Thus electron as a particle (l<r) cannot be both
on this side and on that side of the barrier - the place is dеterminated.

Only the longitudinal vortex (as wave for the next T/2 period) can pass through the potential barrier. Thus the electron as a wave (l>r) can be both on this side, and on that side of the barrier- the place is probabilistic.

Therefore the Theory of new Axioms and Laws specifies that the quantum superposition is a real only for the wave part (as longitudinal vortex) of electron for half of period (T/2) of pulsation.

And it follows an assumption : all free electrons randomly distributed in space (S) emit in random phases in time for half of the pulsation period (T/2) their longitudinal accelerating vortices and create a probabilistically distributed field with quantum superposition.