
Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology(JPNB)

ISSN: 2573-9611 | DOI: 10.33140/JPNB

How Non Pharmacological Procedures Can Help to Reduce Drugs Need and Heathcare Costs in OVB -Urgency Micturition


Mauro Luisetto, Di Benedetto G, Cabianca L, Mashori Gulam Rasool, Gadama G. P and Yu Latyshev O

Aim of this work is to verify the efficacy od the KEGEL procedure used in the micturiation urge disfunction and the contribute that this can provide in reducing-avoiding pharmacological therapy. This approch can be useful to reduce healthcare costs (direct and indirect) and in order to increase the patints quality of life. The social implication are relevant. The complexity in physiology and pathology in this condition need an adeguate treatement: Not only pharmacological approach or physiotherapic but also psycological and of lifestyle modification. This multidisciplinar approach can produce global benefit. The more severe cases are not considered in this work because required treatement like Botulin toxin injection or surgery procedure.