
General Surgery and Clinical Medicine(GSCM)

ISSN: 2836-4961 | DOI: 10.33140/GSCM

Health Expectancy in Russia in 1998-2019


Alexander Ramonov

Background: The aim of this research is to estimate the scenarios of health expectancy dynamics following life expectancy dynamics.

Methods: Life tables including the information on health self-assessment.

Results: From 2004 to 2019 the value of e (20)-h (20) for males increased from 4.5 years to 5.5 years (%e (20) remained constant on the level of 11%). For females e (20)-h (20) decreased from 10.8 to 7.5 years (%e (20) decreased by 7% - from 20% to 13%).

Conclusion: The positive dynamics of general health among females in Russia may be associated with a decrease in mortality from cardiovascular diseases among the elderly, which, combined with the positive dynamics of self-protective behavior, could show signs of the “cardiovascular revolution”.