Gynaecology and Sexuality Before and After Surgery. Some Operational Suggestions and Reflections
Pier Luigi Righetti, Silvia Longo, Lucia Bonisoli and Raffaele Battista
After several years working in a Maternal-Children's Department - therefore in a hospital reality including Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Pediatrics - and after having developed precise Operative Procedures, validated by much scientific research carried out in the field, we would like to bring to the reader's attention our experience with the intention of offering some operational and clinical suggestions and food for thought in the field of Female Sexual Dysfunctions that can occur after gynecological surgery (pelvic floor, uterine-vaginal prolapse, etc..) both in the case of laparotomic, laparoscopic and vaginal surgery. We start from the assumption that this article is not intended to be a treatise on Female Sexual Dysfunction, but simply a chance to get some simple and straightforward operational advice. Drawing on our own experience, on the following pages we give a brief introduction to Female Sexual Dysfunction, the concept of post-surgery Quality of Life, possible psychological intervention (before and after surgery) and what can be done from a psychological point of view from the “time” of hospitalization.