G-D's Physics' Newly Discovered "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR) "Geulah" Driven Universe
Jehonathan Bentovish (Bentwich)
Twenty-First Century Theoretical Physics is being metamorphosized from the Old "Material-Causal-Random" (MCR) Paradigm underlying "General Relativity Theory" (GRT) and Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-D's Physics" "A-Causal Computation" Scientific Paradigm; This major "Paradigmatic-Shift" results from a "Paradigmatic Crisis" of the Old MCR Paradigm signified by: a) fundamental "GRT-QM inconsistency"; b) principle inability of the Old MCR's Paradigm to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe, i.e., specifically "Hubble's Tension".? In contrast, the New "G-D's Physics" Paradigm is shown capable of resolving this apparent GRT-QM inconsistency, and offering an alternative novel explanation for the "Universe's Non-Continuous Increase in its Accelerated Expansion Rate" (UNCIARE) during the "Jewish Rosh Hashanah's" two days of "Collective Human Consciousness Focus" (CHCF); based on its discovery of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) which simultaneously computes all exhaustive spatial pixels' Four basic Physical Features (of "space", "time", "energy" and "mass") at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'. (that produces an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" [UF's] comprising the entire physical universe at every "minimal time-point"). Two direct empirical validations of "G-D's Physics'" (unique) "Critical Predictions": a) UNCIARE-JRH. b) the "Proton-Radius Puzzle" findings are delineated which are shown to be more valid than the corresponding predictions of the Old MCR's GRT & QM, thereby establishing "G-D's Physics" as the New Twenty-First Century's satisfactory Scientific Paradigm. Based on "G-D's Physics" novel "Computational Invariance" and (associated) "Universal Consciousness Reality" Theoretical Postulates and the UCP's discovered UCP's "Ten Hierarchical Computational Dimensions" (THCD's) indicating an entirely new (profound) understanding of the entire physical universe – as representing only a "transient-phenomenal manifestation" of the sole "Universal Consciousness Reality" (UCR/UCP) which exist both "during" its computation of every consecutive UF's frame/s (exhaustive spatial pixels' Four Physical Features), and also solely exists (without the physical universe) "in- between" any two consecutive UF's frame/s. According to this new UCR understanding of "G-D's Physics", the entire development of the entire physical universe has been "pre-planned" by this singular UCP/UCR from "inanimate" matter, "animate": plants, animals and human-beings – leading to the "Ultimate Perfected Geulah Goal" State of Science and Humanity, in which Science recognizes the singularity of this UCP/UCR and its "sublime" characteristics of "All- Goodness", "Morality", "Peace" and "Harmony" (which will also characterize Humanity's existence and behavior). Surprisingly, the current acceptance of "G-D's Physics" as the New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm therefore also marks the beginning of this "Ultimate Perfected Geulah Goal" State of Humanity & the Universe.