
Journal of Nursing & Healthcare(JNH)

ISSN: 2475-529X | DOI: 10.33140/JNH

Impact Factor: 0.8

Formulation of Learning Strategies Using Biggs (R-SPQ-2F) Thru Attitudinal Studies of Selected Nursing Students in Higher Education Institution


Hipona, Jocelyn B, Carulla, Jennifer C and Herbert D. Vertucio

Background and objective: This research anchored on the formulation of learning strategies using Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F) thru attitudinal studies of selected nursing students in terms of surface approach and deep approach. Further, the extent of motivation of the respondents that demonstrates in their attitudinal studies using Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F) to prove the connection of their learning strategies and their drive to study. The correlation of the attitudinal studies of the respondents and the prepared motivation of Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F) will help determine the students’ insight about their learning practices. This aims to determine the attitudinal studies with learning approaches of the nursing students, the results of which then will become the bases for enhancing the teaching strategies of teachers to upgrade the performance of the students.

Methods: The study will take the form of descriptive-evaluative research. A survey was conducted using the standardized test (R-SPQ-2F) questionnaire as propagated by John Biggs for information gathering about respondents profile and their attitudes towards learning. This study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, also, this will take the form of an applied type of research, and thus, teachers consequently facilitate low-achieving nursing students perform better in the subject. The study used a statistical tool for the interpretation of results according to sub problems such as frequency distribution, percentage, ranking, weighted mean, likert scale, and f-test.

Results: The results revealed that there are significant differences concerning the attitudinal studies of the selected nursing students in terms of surface approach and deep approach. The motivation of the nursing students using Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F) manifested that their extent of attitudinal studies are well equipped through academic awareness. There are twelve (12) motivational Approaches of the nursing students that are correlated to the Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F) and eight (8), which are not correlated under deep approach and surface approach. Thru evident findings, the Learning Strategies that are formulated are based on the Extent of Motivational Approach of the nursing students through their attitudinal Studies using Bigg’s (R-SPQ-2F).

Conclusions: The results analysis signifies that the attitudes toward learning have been influence students’ scholastic performance. This result manifested that the extent of the attitudinal studies of the nursing students are well-equipped through academic awareness. The result encompasses change and development through the developmental stages of the nursing students. This implies that educators should become aware of the efforts of students made for learning in order for them to reach knowledge. It is important to know the ways of learning, develop expectations and have no anxiety for learning in order to be successful.