
Archives of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology(ANEST)

ISSN: 3067-1965 | DOI: 10.33140/ANEST

Formation of Galaxies in a Polysingular Universe


I A Boldov

The article examines the processes associated with the formation of our Universe. A hypothesis has been put forward about the origin of the Universe as conjugate three-dimensional and two-dimensional spaces, the uneven conjugation of which led to the emergence of points of emergence of singularities that form the “three-dimensional craquelure” of galaxies.

It is suggested that the formation of matter in the Universe occurred not from one, but from many singularities. A mechanism for the formation of galaxies by the ejection of “protostars” from a rotating singularity —the “galactic grain”—has been proposed. An assumption is made about spatial and temporal fluctuations of this process, which explains the entire spectrum of possible shapes and sizes of galaxies.