
International Journal of Psychiatry(IJP)

ISSN: 2475-5435 | DOI: 10.33140/IJP

Impact Factor: 1.85

First Episode of Schizophrenia Catatonic Type Responds To Clozapine


Valerica Ene-Stroescu, Thanh Nguyen and Brian Waiblinger

C is a 32 years male who first presented one year prior for psychiatric hospitalization with catatonic symptoms. C was described by his family as very gentle and artistic. He was an average student and after graduating high school, attended several college classes, and unsuccessfully held several odd jobs. Prior to admission to the local hospital, C had been bedridden at home for over 8 months, selectively mute, declining food, fluids, or change of clothes. C was diagnosed with schizophrenia, catatonic type based on the above presentation and history of insidious onset of a progressively deteriorating level of functioning over a period of more than four years characterized by social withdrawal, motoric immobility, and somatic and grandiose delusions.