
World Journal of Clinical & Medical Images(WJCMI)

ISSN: 2833-9312 | DOI: 10.33140/WJCMI

Features of The Treatment of Parkinson's Disease by The Method Resonance Therapy


Praznikov Victor

Parkinson disease (PD) is a degenerative disease of the extrapyramidal motor system. The formations of the midbrain are affected and are expressed in 1. tremor, 2. hypokinesia, 3. muscle rigidity, 4. postural instability. With these diseases, a large number of brain structures degenerate, including demyelinating brain processes. Both diseases are considered incurable. This article presents materials for the effective treatment of diseases by the method of resonance medicine - the resonance of creation and resonance of destruction. With the help of the resonance of creation, the degenerated structures of the brain are restored. Until now, no methods have been known to restore dead brain cells. For the treatment, the resonance therapy method was used, which has been known for at least 25 years and which has been modified in our work since 2016. The essence of our modification was that the author began to use 1. not only low (previously known), but also high potencies of resonant drugs. 2. We have created a direction in resonance therapy, which is called "resonance of creation" and "resonance of destruction". Resonance of destruction is known, with the help of which oncological tissues, infectious processes, cysts, stones, etc. are treated - destroyed. With the help of the resonance of creation, various biological structures that have undergone degeneration and death are restored - the myelin sheath of the nerves in multiple sclerosis, nerve cells in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc. With the help of the resonance of creation, the beta cells of the tail of the pancreas are restored in type 1 diabetes, and restoration of the lymphoid system in autoimmune diseases. sis. For the treatment of PD , appropriate preparations are prepared from the tested organopreparations. They are recorded on sugar grains in the potency that is necessary for treatment and resonant treatment of patients is carried out. Treatment of all tested brain structures showed that the patient responds to this treatment quite adequately. In the process of treatment, the “insular cortex” was the first to stop testing, then the “basal nucleus”. As the testability of these brain structures decreased, the patient reported that his condition became significantly better, not only in terms of short-term memory recovery, but also in other indicators. It is well known that the cause of Parkinson's disease is not only the degeneration of various brain structures, but also the appearance of substances with the accumulation of alpha-synuclein protein and Lewy bodies in the cells. It is absolutely impossible to remove alpha-synuclein and Lewy bodies from cells by the method of resonance of creation. That is why to remove these substances in our work we use the principle of treatment - the resonance of destruction. As a result of using this method, the condition of patients with PD improved even more compared to the results that were presented when using only the principle of resonance of creation for treatment. In the selector of the device we find the nosode "Parkinson's disease", we select the necessary potency of the therapeutic drug for the patient in the same way as it was in our other work and write down the drug that the patient takes and is cured on sugar grains. Thus, for the treatment of PD, we use not only the principle of the resonance of creation, but also the resonance of destruction, which together give good results for the treatment of PD.