
International Journal of Psychiatry(IJP)

ISSN: 2475-5435 | DOI: 10.33140/IJP

Impact Factor: 1.85

Exploring the Transformative Benefits of Raja Yoga Meditation: A Five-Month Journey into Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellness


Nishu Singh, Abhishek Singh, Neha Singh and Anita Singh

Millions of people struggle to find true happiness, which cannot be attained through wealth, material possessions, or even human relationships. True and lasting happiness arises from a deep spiritual connection with God. Raja Yoga meditation, practiced under the guidance of the Brahma Kumaris, emphasizes self-realization and a connection with the Supreme Soul. This study examines the effects of Raja Yoga meditation on beginners over a short duration of five months, focusing on its impact on mental well-being, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. The findings highlight the transformative potential of this practice in fostering inner peace and true happiness. "Individuals suffering from neurotic disorders often experience symptoms such as sadness, depression, loss of appetite, anger, anxiety, and even conditions like schizophrenia. These challenges can be alleviated by incorporating regular meditation into daily life, which promotes mental stability, emotional balance, and inner peace." Meditation activates an individual’s inner awareness, empowering them to stay centered and maintain a positive mindset regardless of the ever-changing external circumstances. This practice cultivates resilience, clarity, and a profound sense of happiness.